Quote Originally Posted by quadzjr View Post
I tired to make a consise and simple question. hopefully he will respond, however he says that he doesn't like the use of online forums.. so we will see.
Agreed, and that's the open risk. But there are other open (non-internet) forums we can continue the discussion in.

Mickey, and any others out there in a similar position: hope is not enough!!!

You must realize, a great deal of injustice can be continued under the claim that this is just a few noisy guys on the forums!!! While I understand, not everyone has the time, inclination or whatever, to compose such long-winded replies - silence is agreeing with the status quo!

If you stay quiet, you are giving those in the position to decide your full support.

If you agree with where they're going, then by all means stay quiet.

If you do not - you owe it to yourselves to at least post back a short, one-sentence reply stating where you stand.

Make it clear that there are a lot of us out here that are not happy with the direction chosen for us by others.

Is there anyone here who does think that the CRB's direction, as stated in this post by Dowie, is the best for IT?? Speak up!

Or go back to the SCCA Forums, register, and post your viewpoint, as short as you feel, with your member number, and be heard.

If we've got many posts there supporting our goals, well, kinda knocks the wind outta their sails about just a few noisy rabble-rousers vs. the silent majority, doesn't it?