Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
This is far from being the first period, unless people haven't been following things and didn't communicate with the CRB / BOD previously. End of the fourth, tied and ready for a coin toss? Maybe. lol The use, implimentation, and member feedback has been going on for quite some time. There's also a point in time where people will become fed up with things (such as happened with several ITAC members). Doesn't mean people don't care, but choose to put their time, energy, and maybe $$$ elsewhere.
Good point, fair enough.

I'm of course coming from a slightly different angle here, myself; while I am interested in the future of IT, and am active online, I'm not quite as into it as some of the really obtuse daily discussions that happen here and elsewhere.

Maybe the best reply is, it's time for you guys who have been shouldering that burden to do exactly as you have - communicate the situation to the rest of us, and let this raucous minority become a wave of overwhelming support to carry you along, when you've lost momentum.

Like I say - I think that is what you guys have done effectively, even if you don't realize it, and I think we are starting now to get noticed. You may think it's too late, because you personally can't stand being the only ones who care anymore, but maybe it's just time for the rest of us who've been standing around in back to pick up that bullhorn and start making noise.

Seems to me like the noise level to the CRB and BOD is growing, not diminishing...