I had written a long response and then lost the electrons, oh well. I don't have a problem with they way things are, really, I don't. If an essential part becomes NLA then it is time to move on.

My real reason for starting this topic was an effort to discuss another means of attracting the younger crowd to IT. Let's face it, a bunch of us are north of 50 and are perfectly content to race our 3 decade + old car that has ZERO appeal to the the younger crowd. Perhaps it is time to think about other ways of keeping the "club" young.

That said, forget I even asked the question. IMHO, until we see some changes at the management level, i.e. BoD, CRB, etc. the "club" isn't listening to those of us trying to push the envelope and create a better club, and good racing, for the overall health of the club. No wonder we loose so many entry level people to other racing organizations.........

Back to regularly scheduled programming and griping about Spec pinata's and production cars holding us up in the corners.....