Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post

Whomever has volunteered to be the drivers reps should attend the last few classroom sessions at each school. Introductions, etc. They would be the go-to people for any questions and issues. I think it may already be built into the system, we just have to expand it a little.
My opinion is that is the responsibilty of the instructor. I don't feel that our responsibility ends after the school. I've always made sure that they have my contact information and encourage them to contact me with ANY questions. I take a great deal of pride in the fact I keep in contact with most of my students and have become friends with many of them.

I think Dave hit the nail on the head. It's getting those people who want to get on the track but don't know how or don't realize how easy (relatively speaking) it is.

Since last summer I've been listed as the "New Driver Ambassador" for NER and even wrote an article for Pit Talk but have had only around 10 people contact me. And I think all of them had already been on track in one form or another.

Maybe you/we could get the different organizations to post a link on their websites saying something like: "So, you think you want to get on the track, click here" and have it feed into the site you're thinking about. Would they all do it?? I don't know. PDA, NASA, SCCA, SCCA regions, EMRA, COM, etc. Too bad the magazines wouldn't allow us to put an ad in for free...........