What's funny is I think everyone in this thread advocating buying v. building (and they are right by the way, from a purely rational perspective) ..... built their own car.

Buying a car makes economic sense and will get you on track sooner. BUT, you are still stuck with a car that someone else built there way. We've pretty much redone the 260z to Ron's liking, spending far more than the buy cost.

Building is more emotional and more expensive. But if you like tinkering and want things done YOUR way, it's the only way to go.

As an aside, the 260z experience (built in Atlanta in the early 90s and cheated all to hell when we got it) has made me add a corollary to the "cheaper to buy than build" concept. While generally true, it only is as true as we all think if you are just going to drive the car you bought "as is." EVERYONE thinks they know how to build a car, and once you "buy" one that someone else has bought you will soon start thinking "I really wish that..." And you will spend a lot of money and time correcting it.