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Thread: January Fastrack

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Black Rock, Ct

    Default January Fastrack

    Major headline, for racers:

    SFI or FIA Head and neck restraints WILL be required 1.1.2012

    To me, this is a major point of disillusionment. To wit: One year ago, the mebers were asked for input on the subject. Overwhelmingly, racers form all points ov view were against such a mandate.

    A month ago, we were asked AGAIN for input.

    This time, the BoD didn't bother to wait for response. Nor did they respect the members wishes of just a year ago. Why ask for input at all?
    here's an outtake from this very Fastrack, regarding the BoDs wishes when it comes to input:

    The following subjects will be referred to the Board of Directors for approval. Address all comments, both for and against, to the Club Racing Board. It is the BoD’s policy to withhold voting on a rules change until there has been input from the membership on the presented rules. Member input is suggested and encouraged.
    Well, that paragraph flies in the face of this recent action. And it's an action that will cost racers a LOT of money. Really, if you are a BoD member reading this and voted for the mandate, it doesn't look professional, and that's being nice. While I fully recognize that leaders of an organization must at times make moves that are against the wishes of that organization for the good of the whole, I have yet to see how this is anything but "sky is falling" paranoia. Tell us about the anayisis that was performed to reach this conclusion. What are the injury and fatality statistics in club racing? What input does the insurance carrier have?*

    The only good that the BoD, famous for it's constant "Ok, new rule" penchant, will flip on this one as they have on so many others.

    * Let me go on record with wild guesses as to those questions. At the time of the vote, I bet more drivers die of individual health issues (heart attacks) while on course than any other reason. And, I bet we've seen as many fatalities due to injury to those who were wearing some form of protection as those without. I'd also bet that of those deaths, non were basilar skull fracture. (In the past 5 years, lets say, but if records go back further, I'd love to know). I'll also bet that the insurance carrier had no input in the decision, positive or negative. I get the feeling the members consulted Pete Lyons our staff member who negotiates insurance contracts, who probably said it was "a good idea".
    Last edited by lateapex911; 12-21-2009 at 11:30 PM.
    Jake Gulick

    CarriageHouse Motorsports
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