Ok, so it's still a bit early and this doesn't have much to do with IT racing, but wanted to let everyone know that rally is coming to Missouri again in February '10. Dates are 2/26-27 and we're the second round of only six this year of the Rally-America national series. We're starting in Steelville, MO on Friday and Salem, MO on Sat. and will once again be running the Super Special stage at the Potosi Lions Park.

We always need tons of volunteers to pull this off, so I hope you'll consider coming down for either or both days. HAM operators and medical personnel are always the hardest to get enough of, so if you know of anybody like that, please let em know we need them. If you'll need a motel, will need to get that soon as they always fill up quick. All of the area motels are listed at www.100aw.org and volunteer registration is open on the website as well (under the worker tab). If you aren't able to volunteer, at least try to make it down to spectate as it's your only chance to see this kind of thing without traveling more than ten hours. Do note that the current schedule listed is last years, but will be similar.

If anybody has any questions, post em here or feel free to email/pm me. I'm the volunteer coordinator.