Lastly, how will the volume of printing impact per copy pricing?
Depends on how many copies are printed. Even if they do rise per copy, there's still a considerable cost savings considering the number of them being printed, cost to ship them from the printer to distributor, then to the member. Storage costs for those copies saved for new members. Costs associated with the time it takes to ship them out. It all adds up and pretty quickly.

So few people these days (especially racers) either don't have a computer or don't have access to one where they could view this at work. Absolute worst case, have someone print the sections that you want a hard copy of...which leads to:

The GCR has got to be one of the most unorganized reference books I have ever had the misfortune of having to read.
Seriously! And talk about intimidating for anyone looking at it for the first few times. When it boils down to it, there really isn't a huge portion that a racer needs to have at the track. Portions of the various appendixes and in our case the IT rules sub section which is only 12 pages not including each cars specs.

I've always felt there are much better ways to spend these resources than on printed copies of the GCR.