Who's a member of HPD?

I think it's a great program and the folks there have been awesome to deal with so far. OEM parts for less with reasonable shipping rates and reasonable wait times for non-time-critical needs. I have never had a to get parts overnight so I can't speak to that.

My engine builder (gosh that feels good just writing that I have an engine builder... "ta ta") says I need new pistons as well as rods - no surprise considering the source of my "used" parts. Problem is getting a match replacement set from HPD.

HPD says they are 'stuck' using the part supplies and staff from the Honda factory warehouse. No matching of sets period "we have no way of matching a set".... even though a little birdie told me that the Honda staff will measure and weigh parts all day to get a perfect set for themselves. WTF! uh... where's the "performance" in HPD? I guess if they went with Honda Racing Development there would be no excuses...

Any thoughts on HPD or similar situations? Any other options I have other than whining about Honda "staff"?