I have only been to a sum total of 2 SCCA races ever, but I didn't even realize this. I checked the old entry for the race I entered this year, and sure enough they would charge you a late fee if you didn't pay early, and a cancellation fee if you had to cancel late. That indeed kinda sucks. I guess I did my best not to sign up (pay) until the last possible minute so I knew my car was fine (assuming it left the last race intact, it should make the next).

This seems like a good thread to offer an alternative. If you are in the Midwest (I know that is a big caveat as guys are on this forum from all over the place), then come race at some Midwestern Council events. They encourage everyone to sign up online early for no fee. Then, simply bring your checkbook (or cash) to the track when you arrive and pay the normal entry fee. No late fee bull shit as long as you signed up early. You can always remove yourself from the online sign up at any time. Hell, if you don't remove yourself and just don't show up, they don't care.