Quote Originally Posted by jjjanos View Post
NEDIV does this late - like November - and the only things over which NEDIV has de jure authority are the scheduling of Nationals and whether Pocono gets a Double National. Unless it has changed recently, there's little or no information sharing in advance. Cross-polination of a series is done in advance. As a region that has a (so far) successful racing program, I'm 100% opposed to granting NEDIV any authority to limit our ability to schedule regional races.
And there's the problem in a nutshell.

I think that we all agree that there are too many events compared to the total number of entries and volunteer days. The problem is how to improve the ratio.

As it is currently structured, SCCA Club Racing is essentially a regional affair. Each region gets its own track dates and promotes its own events, with little-to-none in the way of higher level coordination or authority.

So, in times like these, each individual region has little incentive to give up a track date (which it might never get back) in favor of the 'greater good'. The rational (for the individual region) move is to keep the date, and eke out the dollars, in hopes that the economy and entries will recover later. And in hopes that some other region will go bust and lose its date.

If one is '100% opposed' to letting some higher authority guide decisions on how many events will be scheduled, one cannot fuss when each region acts in its own interest, and we end up with the current over-supply of poorly-subscribed events.