One thought on installation of this pulley or any other. If you get a replacement bolt from a fastener store and cut the head off, and then grind a generous fillet on the cut end, then do the same to some 1/2" or 3/4" acme thread rod and weld the two together with lots of heat. I actually center bored each for a roll pin to get them perfectly aligned, but I get that way some times. Then take a 4" section of 1 3/4" or 2", I don't remember which, roll bar tubing, weld a 3/16" plate over one end and then drill a hole in the end big enough for the acme threaded rod to fit through. Weld a 4-6" piece of 1" X 1/8" flat on for a handle, looking like an upside down L, with the handle on the same end that the plate is welded on. Thread the metric bold into the crank as far as it will go, put the pulley on as best you can, slide the tubing over the threaded rod and spin the nut on until it bottoms on the plate. Simply turn the acme threaded nut to drive the pulley onto the crank. This is a lot easier on the crank threads as you are not sliding on the threads and you are fully engaged. I have seen times using the stock bolt that there were only a few threads engaged. This can mess up a crank, and a day with it!

I haven't put the new pulley on, but it works great on the others.
