If I understand correctly, Might and Numbers may overcome the resistence to change. Well I am going to try something. In about a month, we will have an Enduro at Daytona. We usually have a very high turn out of IT cars showing up for the two Enduros. Maybe it is time to take the Jacking Plate issue to the competitiors. I generate and circulate a "survey / petition" that polls the competitors whether they want and request the addition of Jacking Plates to IT cars or Not. I beleive that the results would accurately reflect the views of IT competitors. I will not use phrases like "If Jacking Plates were permitted fro IT cars, do you think the cost would out weigh the benefits, or" , or "if your competitor had jacking plates on his car, do you think they would have an "unfair advantage" over your car if you did not have them, or "do you think that by permitting "Jacking Plates" to be Welded to the underside of the IT car, it would compromise the current IT philosophy or add "scope creep". I will ask a simple question, "Do you support, and are in favor of permitting, Jacking Plates, being added to the underside of Improved Touring cars. Yes or No. Just That simple. I will post the results of the polling after race. If the competitors do not want it, or feel it is un-necessary, then so be it. But if there is a majority, from this snap shot of a typical IT population, then I will pursue it further and make sure the CRB / ITAC have copies of the results, with names, membership numbers and the class of IT car they race. If they do not want it, then it is another dead issue. If I am in the minority, I will end this diatribe as I believe that the will of the minority should not rule the majority. Iif some of you feel the same way as I do, about this or someother issue, maybe it is time we take control, and poll the competitors in your area about an issue you might be passionate about. There is power in the "silent majority" . Thank you, David Ellis-Brown