Not to hijack the thread - but, of the entries for MAM - some of the Porsche drivers have regional licenses and are not entered for the either of the drivers schools. I recommend we take this discussion over to the Double School/Double Regional thread started by MustangHammer. (she says while wearing her registrar's hat)

As far as Hallett goes (putting on her flagger hat) - Chris and Gary had a dynamite race both days. Chris was workin' hard on Saturday, but Gary started ahead of him. Then Gary drove a good clean race, and Chris just couldn't quite catch him. Congrats go to Gary for a win in ITB! Sunday was a little different story - eventhough Gary again started ahead of Chris. But Chris must have found some extra horsepower (or he finally knocked all the rust out) ... 'cause he was able to catch Gary and get by ... but then they swapped positions a couple of times ... and in a finish which was still in doubt as we watched them round the corner at 10 (we had to ask race control who won) ... Chris won on Sunday. Thanks for the great races guys!

The weather Saturday was pretty okay - windy, but at least warm. Sunday was MISERABLE! The low 40s temperatures combined with the 25-30 mph winds with gusts to 40 mph made for a terrible day.

The good news was that most of the drivers behaved themselves, and there wasn't much to do for the flaggers. The only exception was when a SRF and an HP car wanted to occupy the same track space in the braking zone at 3. Sorry for the FCY, but when you've got a car with only 2 wheels ... in the track ... it has to be moved. Otherwise, there was good racing in almost all of the race groups, which really helps keep things interesting and allows you to shove aside the thoughts about how cold it is.

Kelley Huxtable