The Scott team will be one of those double dipping in STU/IT7 with our POS-7 in Midiv for 2009. No chance in hell of being competitive if "real" ST cars show up but the fun factor should be pretty high. Along with the closing speeds! Trey will run in IT7 and dear old dad will run STU. We'll keep at it as long as the car holds up. With the winter mods we have planned we may even surprise a car or two along the way.

If it is an attempt to garner more entries and seat time from IT racers then the club hit the target dead on with us and our situation. We were extremely excited to see the year rollback to 1985 as that now encompasses our entire race car fleet, the 1985 POS-7, a 1985 BMW 325e under construction, and a 1988 Porsche 944S project. All will get prepped to IT specs primarily and then run ST if the class lasts any length of time.