I've been going to club races for 20 years and can only remember one clutch/flywheel explosion in all that time, but it was a good one.

It happened 2-3 rows in front of me at the start of an IT race. Somebody did a 2-1 power shift and the tack must have seen the far side of 9000 rpm. The car was a ITB Rabbit. After the race I came over to look as the results. It looked like a grenade went off in the engine compartment! The engine and trans, what was left of them, were totally seperate with each piece hanging from their mounts. Hood dented, firewall dented, radiator trashed, and the driver OK! Two other cars got flats from the flying parts and I had to dodge a couple myself. I know one bounced up and hit the underside of my car and left a good dent in the floor on the pass. side.

Most FWD cars don't have an option. They don't make scattershields for them. The best you can do is install a piece of steel plate between you and the clutch/fly wheel. The rest of the car will have to take it's chances.