Quote Originally Posted by Dave Zaslow View Post
Mr. Diminno's lack of forward motion at the start put me into the spot behind Rick and the Camaro.
Sorry Dave. Yeah lack of forward motion surprised the shit out of me. Green flag dropped nailed the gas and the car died. I was waiving like a mad man hoping I didn't get pummeled, thanks for the heads up driving guys. Basically what it came down to is I had the coil wire off to clean and crap out inside the coil. I put it back on solidly so I thought, and with all the other stuff I was doing forgot to put a freakin 15 cent zip tie on it, my bad yeah you can say it I'm and ass. Anyhow when i got behind the wall (HANS and Helmet still on, but took of my gloves) I jumped out opened the hood saw the wire off popped it on and jumped back in the car. I was belting up as fast as possible to get back out before the field came by. The extra few seconds to put my gloves back on screwed me. I would have gotten out on the lead lap. Oh well I guess I had a better race than Rick which I heard nothing about until now, which I am sorry to hear.