I agree that as a driver at fault it is imperative to go through the full regimen you suggest.

I have been the 'hitter' because of a bonehead optimistic move and offered to da all of the above and pay for the new door the other car needed.

I have been hit and taken out in qualifying and had the other driver (who took out another car in the same move) tell the two of us to piss-off. We went to the stewards who promised to watch him. They did as he destroyed another car as well as his, in the race. I don't think he's been back since....

We all must take care of each other out there and be responsible for our actions when things go wrong.


Quote Originally Posted by lateapex911 View Post

What's your standard on how you handle a screw up? How do you want someone to handle it if they screw your car up?

In my eyes, if you cause, or are partially responsible for an incident, you should:

-Seek the other guy out as soon as practical. If you can't, find a friend to get word to him somehow.

- If it's determined that you blew it, offer what you can to make it right. If it means you don't race the next day, then that's the way it goes. If you can't do anything labor-wise, find someone who can for you, or pay someone. Do whatever you can to make sure the guy races the next day.

- If the damage needs after event remediation, offer to help by calling in favors from your mechanic, bodyshop or whatever connections if it's convenient to the other guy.

Now, if it's a racing deal, and you are both agree that blame is shared, lick wounds, shake hands, and get back out there. In that case, I think it's good sportsmanship for whoever is hurt most to get assistance from the other.

In most cases, I think the mere fact that you made a sincere offer to help will mean more to the other guy than the actual help. In many cases the distance makes pitching in after the event impossible. But to me, it's better to go a bit overboard than it is to ignore the situation. This is of course, about club racing. Pro racing is a whole 'nuther deal!

What to others think?