Once in 2008 was not enough!

A Restricted Regional for Improved Touring has been added to the Labor Day Double National at Heartland Park Topeka - August 30 to September 1! So now you can take another crack at the HPT 2.5 mile Run Offs configuration this year. Can you lower the track record for your class? You'll have two chances!

The format will be 3 track sessions for IT- 1 Qualifying Session and 2 Races. The first race will set the grid for the second race. IT sessions will be run on Saturday and Sunday. Since National racing will continue on Monday, you'll be able to stick around and drink some beer Sunday night. Then use Labor day for a nice, leisurely trip home.

All GCR and Mid Div IT classes are invited - ITR, ITS, ITA, ITB, ITC, IT7 and ITE.

Make space on your calendar to attend this event! More information to follow - online registration will be open soon.