I was not very active in the division prior to the split, so I don't have a whole lot of past perspective to work from. However, my current view is that the split of our division has had negative impact on all racing regions.

We have fewer regional races than I can find record of in CenDiv this year - 8 races over 5 weekends at 2 tracks (we have two other tracks available but have not run Autobahn since 2006, and may not run Milwaukee Mile again). My impression is that nationals in GLDiv are very weak, and that regionals are not where they used to be either (except for that aweseme event that is IT Festival at Mid-O). CenDiv will probably do fine with nationals, with the Sprints and now that the Runoffs are coming, but regardless we struggle with volunteer staffing for events - will the racing regions usually pooling resources, not just for the Sprints, but for all events.

So my questions are:
What was the goal for the split?
How do we measure the result?
Did it acheive that goal?
If not, why would we not take steps as soon as possible to correct the mistake and bring the divisions back into a single entity?

It is not a horrible thing to try something and be wrong, but it is irrsesponsible to the club to be wrong and refuse to admit/correct the mistake.

Am I way off base on this? Is everything in fact hunky dory in the CD / GLD regions? If so please correct me and explain what I am missing.