I'll open myself up as a target for criticism here, but I'd rather be honest.

Last winter I emailed the powers that be to ask if the sup's could be cleaned up to provide clear direction that white on black or black on white lettering would be acceptable rather than having to screw around w/ numbers that are handed out at registration. We always found it be a real pain to apply these such that they would stay on for the race yet not damage the permanent lettering underneath.

I also asked that if the elumiboards were a requirement they could provide some detail on WTF they are.

The resulting answer was that the back-lit boards would not be required and the sup's would be updated to reflect that. When I saw this post I resurrected the email from last winter, the response I got confirmed that the previous answer still stood & the sup's would be updated. Seems they have been updated.

The intent had been only to ask that the damn adhesive numbers handed out at registation would not be required. Sorry if it made changes that people were not expecting.

Personnally I'm not sad that regular old GCR standard numbers will work as it keeps one item off the list of prep to do. Plus from what I've read, those numbers are not terribly durable to tire rubs, rock chips etc. I also don't see what has changed in the past 3 years that is different from the previous 50. Night racing has been going on for decades w/o these numbers. But this is just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.
