Quote Originally Posted by SportsCar View Post
Typically in an effort to educate ourselves on any topic we seek out experts in that field... As the self proclaimed POG Admin I suppose you could qualify as some type of expert.
I'm doing the best I can to support a cause that I believe in, but unfortunately I don't have large quantities of spare time. Your first e-mail to me was rather vague and attempting to summarize everything for you via email would surely cause you to lose out on some important details and perspectives. It's your job as an journalist to seek out all the information on the subject and there's not much more that I can tell you other than what is available in [easily accessible] online print.

I did email you with the contact information of someone that is eager to contribute as well as a few more details that I had to offer.

All this being said, I apologize for coming off brash. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your objective coverage on the subject and I am sure it will be of much value to the Club Racing community as well as the POG effort.

Thanks again,