The Glen Region's Competition Board is seeking input regarding possible changes to the October Last Chance Enduro. For a number of years now the Region has held a 3HOUR Enduro on the Saturday of the Last Chance Weekend. The other two events are a Driver School on Thursday Night-11am Saturday, (then the Enduro on Saturday) and a one day Regional on Sunday.
Increases in cost of operating the weekend are causing the Glen Region's Comp Board to look at changes for that weekend.

My question to you is: If you run the Enduro, what would you like see change to the event? Expand the Enduro's time? If so, how long? Drop the Enduro completely? If so, why?

Would you rather see a two day Regional instead of the Enduro? Or something else?

The Glen Region feels strongly in seeking out you input on this matter. Please reply to me (open or private) and let me know what you are thinking...

Thanks, --Ed...

In The Spirit Of The Sport,

I am posting this for Ed. The Days are locked in If we give up a Day we would not get it back. T Weaver