Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post
Let's not get all waggy-fingered. Matt has a perfectly valid point. I've got someone locally (WV) who wants to do his schools, and I wouldn't have known there was a school at Memphis unless I'd seen this.

I guess I don't understand... from a club racing perspective. if I want to know what's going on in an SCCA division (especially outside my home division), I go to the division website first. I believe without exception, every division has a website, and each of those websites has a calendar of events that typically includes all club racing dates in that division. This seems to make sense... if I'm not mistaken, all race dates have to be coordinated at the divisional level, right? And BTW, there are links for all divisional websites on the national website, so it's not like they are a secret.

I'm not making excuses for regional websites, I'm just sayin'...