I read a post where "Mike V" was showing off an aluminum motor mount that he had bead blasted, then painted black...."so nobody will notice". It was pointed out that it is a legal part (update/backdate) and he responded with the above mentioned quote. Reminds me of the VW Vortex dude who bragged about his 'battery in a battery' (sourced a "demo...[empty] case from Autozone)..lighter weight, you know, but it was pointed out to him that his DE or TT class allowed battery moves or mods....that made for some interesting internet backpedaling.

Somehow, when people start talking about "Drawing no attention", I get nervous, LOL.

But it's truly funny when people go WAY out of their way to pull off some sneaky (and often insignificant) cheat and then we find out the weren't bright enough to read the rulebook to find out it's actually legal. Accck!

He has also got system for live engine telemtry, F1 style. Interesting.