So what is the net/net of this discussion? Should we toss the rule? Ya'll want to go back to 100% stock parts? Should we try and tighten the rule? Lotsa bitchin but no solutions so far.....

Andy, I don't see lots of bitchin. I see people looking at the rule and how it will be applied. There is no reason to even kid about going back to stock parts because you know the ITAC and the CRB don't have the will to take anything away. My suggestion is to break the rule down to the types of wear items that the rule was intended to cover. Hub breakage issues have been around since the begining of IT and I would not want to see billet custom parts allowed because not everone could have access to them. Hubs are a service cycle part just like pistons and rotors and brake pads. We all know what the rule was supposed to cover and allow but like a lot of things it stopped short of its goal.