And there's really no incentive for anyone running an A1 to throw mad amounts of money at this, because those cars will never be able to run with a full-boogie A3. Look how many new ones came out of the woodwork when they dropped the weight.
I disagree, the A1s in ITB with a 4.40 R&P can be very fast, especially with the new weight. They can turn the rpms because of the solid lifters. Sure the A3s were fast at the ARRC, but every class was running 1.5 seconds faster than previous years becasue of the new pavement. The last time I raced ITB several years ago at VIR, with 2130lb scirocco and a 4.40 r&p I was able to 2:24s. The CIS system was not even set up or tuned. Now with the new changes, who knows..........

Anyway, point is, I still think these cars can be competitive........
