Well gee, Greg, somehow I don't believe saying someone "sounds like a... bureaucrat" equates to calling someone "a nasty, arrogant, pompous, crackpot prick " or that the use of cartoons is not necessarily suggestive of the behavior of "small children" but again you demonstrate that what may be disallowed for others is not necessarily prohibited for your own behavior. (Why must we always have to put up with a spoiled, privileged class?)

My "arrows come out of the quiver" when someone attacks me, not before. Every "attack" I am guilty of has been in answer to insults aimed at me. Read all of the threads you are so fond of dredging up from 4 years ago and you will see that is indeed the case. If showing "tact" is what you have been doing, you are the one needing a revisit to charm school.

You say I like reminding you of how long I 've been racing - believe it or not at my age, one does not enjoy reminding anyone how long he's been doing anything (again you lack insight). I recorded that only because it was suggested that I somehow had not volunteered enough as part of someone's ad hominem retort (again read the thread). And you seemed so proud of your having come up with a workable 2-day schedule you had to quote and number where you had said it first. I was compelled to point out that it was not a new idea- someone had not only already come up with it, but it had been worked successfully 20 years ago (something you might not know about).

I'll close out of this with these thoughts: If my posts have in any way helped restore the SARRC/MARRS event, I don't give a damn what you or anyone else thinks of my "tact." If your kind of leadership is however indicative of what we can expect from our new representatives, SARRC/MARRS event or not maybe its time for me to find somewhere else to spend my expendable income. I'll leave it to you self-righteous, self-aggrandizing hypocrites to mess it up. Lord knows there are enough nasty, arrogant, pompous, crackpot pricks without me to make sure a good thing goes down the tubes.

I'll be outside if you have anything else to say, I've had a few drinks so it'll be a fair fight. (bad paraphrase from The Caine Mutiny, but I'm sure even you get the drift.)

My sincere apologies to the rest of you. I promise I won't submit you to this kind of crap again, regardless of the slander that may appear. Good Racing to you and Merry Christmas!