
I am not so sure you'll find the actual test data published by any manufacturers.

Simpson uses the model number of their suit to correspond with the TPP rating. A "19" is supposed to have a TPP rating of 19.

As far as the test standards they are summarized in a easy to read table on the spectorracing website.

In a nutshell the 1986 vs 2000 FIA test methods changed. In the 86 standard the thermocouple was 3mm away from the fabric (air is a good insulator) and was required to last more than 12 seconds. It now has to touch the material and is required to last a little more than 11 seconds. So which is actually tougher?

The 2000 standard also requires some different construction of the suit. Note to the tech folks: If the suit doesn't have epaulettes it can't be an FIA 2000 suit. It could have an SFI 3.2A/15 patch and 1986 FIA standard though.

The FIA testing procedures are ISO 14460 and ISO 9151 if anyone really cares to know what they are. No I don't have them....sorry.