It is my understanding that the only thing checked on the ITB and ITC cars was gear ratio's. I would certainly like to see more checking across the board at this event. Tech was too busy at the time checking the Spec Miatas.

Les Chaney
+1 I would've loved for them to break out the cam doctor for us at least. It really felt like they brought us in because they had to. They were still finishing the impound tech inspection on SM on Sunday when I was loading up to go home, SM was the first race Saturday morning.

Congratulations to Bowie and Derek, Condolences to Trevor that was not a nice way to end a race.
The ITB race was awesome with some evenly matched cars battling for the top spots lap after lap. You do wonder sometimes though when hearing about at least one sideways slide and one off how a guy can recover and motor back to the front in a short sprint like that.