Year old tires???? Wait to you do this for a few years and you start complaining about tires that are old -- the ones you bought the last race weekend and put 4-5 heat cycles on.......
Well I always ran Kuhmos and Toyos on my second gen track car and when I bought the first gen ITA car it came with "a 1 year old set and a 2 year old set of Hoosiers" I don't know if it was the lighter car or that old Hoosiers are better than new Toyos but I wa always pretty happy with the grip. The funny thing is I've been calling them the 1 year old set and the 2 year old set for a year now... so duh, they are the 2 year old set and the 3 year old set.

I walked the track last Saturday evening with an experience MR2 racer and he kept telling me "you should be flat out all through here... from here to there..." I'm thinking "no #@$#@#@ way". So hopefully, a new set of tires next spring and I will understand that YES I can flat foot it through there.

JamesB, yes, I plan on making at least all of the SP MARRS races.