In the Central Carolina Region, we have a strong autocrossing group. We have socials once per month (one for the Charlotte area, another for the Greenville/Spartanburg/Asheville/Anderson area) and I'm always there trying to get folks to "cross over to the dark side". My current focus is to get autocrossers into road racing in some capacity. The autocross folks and I are working to get the younger bunch (ricers?) out of street racing and into autocross. I also wouold like to walk around in my whites at big races (The Petit, etc.) with an "I Want You" type of message and help recruit folks from the outside.
As has been stated previously, just feeling appreciated is a key for most of us. If you're a racer and see a corner worker or other race official wandering around, give them a beer (only after shut-down), pat them on the back, share a sandwich, or just say "thanks for being here". As petty as it seems, it does frustrate me to not get a wave after a race. Are you (we) still so focused on the race we just completed that we can't pull our heads up enough to throw a finger up to the workers (which finger is your choice, of course )
Just one "nut's" opinion.

Scott Franklin