
The 2.2L TBI engine is used in the "84-'89 Daytona classed in ITB at 2630 lbs. and in the '89-91 Dodge Shadow classed in ITB at 2680 lbs.

The standard carbed 2.2 was used in the '81-85 Dodge Charger/O24, the '80-90 Dodge Omni, the '80-90 Plymouth Horizon and the '81-85 Plymouth TC3/Turismo all classed in ITB at 2350 lbs.

The high output (11o hp) carbed 2.2 was used in the Shelby cars. The Dodge Omni GLH currently classed in ITA @ 2350 and the '83-84 Shelby Charger is currently classed in ITA @ 2430 lbs.

I included the info on the carbed in engines my previous post for comparison (the Daytona had 3 more horsepower stock than the Charger/Omni/Horizon/Turismo but has minimum weight that is 280 lbs. higher). The carbed engines were not used in the Daytona.

Hope that didn't confuse anyone.

Bob Clifton
#05 ITB Dodge Daytona