Just wanted to get some opinions; with all this talk about tweeners and dual classification and the formula and everything else, the comment has been made more than once that 80lbs, or 100 lbs, or whatever lbs is within the acceptable "noise" range for classifying cars. As someone who is gravitationally challenged (both car and driver) I got to wondering what 100lbs is worth, in terms of lap times. For sake of comparison, let's use as an example a 2-mile "horsepower" track (e.g. Summit Point), and an ITA car (purely coincidental choices I assure you ). Moreover, as I assume the weight would affect different types of cars differently, why don't we consider a couple of cars; a handling car like the Miata, and a horsepower car like the NX2000 or Integra.

So how about it - what's 100lbs worth?