My car is a 77 280z. It came stock with electronic ignition. The stock black box overheats when you rev the car up near redline and goes bonkers until it cools off. Motorsports carries a Crane for this application but it has an external controller box. I'd perfer it all contain inside the distributor. Keith mentioned a Jabob's (I think?) but I see no application for 280z w/ electronic ignition. Same with Pertronix, I called and they wanted to know what the distributor number was. I looked at it and it has a bunch of numbers marked on it. I think it's Hatachi, can anyone confirm? The numbers are in two rows, top row D6F5-03 7602 bottom row 22100 N4705
So... can anybody help with an ignition for this thing? (IT legal of course)

Also, I don't mean to be a dumb a$$, and I read the sticky about wiring the master on/off switch but how do you guys commonly wire it on a Zcar? Is it common to run the negitive cable to the switch? Does a Zcar charging system need the 4 pole or just the two pole? Idunno
Andy Rowe