Yes the weight is acheivable in ITA for an MR2. I currently went acroos the scales at Summit during MARRS 7. The car was 2293, 23 pounds over weight. I ran my ass off During the race. Finished 6th in class. ( thanks to alot of other driver's at the IT Fest. ) Going to ITB the weight was 2540. Gee sounds like fun. Look at the time sheets for ITB at Summit, then look at mine. I'm within the top 4 in ITB. Add the weight and GEE, I go right back to the same finishing postion. The weight and power have a lot to do with these cars. I just so sick of trying to inform the people who are not informed about the car, I'm thinking of perposing a spec class for the car. SPEC MR2 or ITMR2. Hey the RX7's got the wish.