Hi guys,
I wasn't racing, but I'm an experienced guy and I was watching. I also have lots of ARRC experience as well.

All in all it was a GREAT event that really made me wish I still had a race car. Loved the format, the track is great, and the event ran smoothly best any of us could tell.

A few suggestions for the future, many of which have already been mentioned...

- Add a couple of 10 minute hardship sessions first thing Sunday morning. Folks can't go out unless they cleared it with a steward.

- Shorten the Sunday morning races to 20 minutes. Creates time for the hardship sessions and also makes time in case something goes wrong so the afternoon "feature" races don't get shortened.

- Split starts... This really is a big deal for the slowest of the 2 classes on the track in the IT races. We watched a particular ITS car completely bungle up the front of the ITB race for about 1/3 of a race. Splitting them gets ITS racing with ITS and ITB racing with ITB at least until things start to string out and passing slower cars is easier.
A couple of years ago at the ARRC the CS decided to NOT split the ITB/ITC race and the first lap was a DISASTER that took out a bunch of cars in both classes. They've vowed not to do that again.
A "championship" race should take every measure it can to get cars racing mostly with other cars in their own class, and its really not that hard to do, and everyone is happier when it happens at the ARRC.

Great great great event that should only get better as the organizers settle in and word spreads.