Good stuff. Most everyone's response, I feel, had some good things. I rented my first stock car, first it was convenient, second, I wanted to make sure this roundy stuff was for me. I soon purchased a car as my racing increased and as alot said before, I wanted it my way. Divorce causes alot of changes and well, the stock car was sold......then, here we are again and a rented road race car got me my license....I rented it a few more times and as my driving improved, the car did not and well, I wanted it my way. But, I got my foot in the door, met alot of helpful people and felt a great more comfortable when I went to the track. The original thread talked about the amount of racing. When I could only run three or four races the first year, It was very nice to just have to show up and go, plus the car came with a pretty talented owner and he helped my learning curve tremedously. But, I will only rent again if it was the only way I could race at all. If you don't have an emotional attachment to your nothing but hunk of iron, plastic, rubber and wires, why are you racing for a trophy??? And as stated before, I was honest with myself about my racing once, but never again!!!