Travis needs to go to St. Louis so you and Jeff will have somebody to do battle with. He doesn't want Jeff to get too far ahead. I would be there for sure if not for a little thing I have to stay in town for..... my #2 daughters wedding! She messed us both up with the date, as she has been known to crew for me and also handles the beer drinking! She and her knew husband will be in the BVI and I will be on the southside of Cowtown with my ski mask working over the liquor stores trying to pay for weddings and racing!
You need to meet Travis and me at Hastings next month. It is a DBL Reg so we get lots of track time. I am hoping "Renny Bobby" Tucker will have his "new" tubbed SM ready by then. He tells the best Arkansas stories that keep us busting a gut laughing.
Don't get too fast at Gateway cause I don't want you making me look bad in October. (I can do it on my own without help!)
Come on Tnord, sell something, use some imagination, charge Sidewalk for being his spotter, St. Louis needs ya. You need STL too cause if you don't go practice and get real fast I might get close to you in October.
