injection for the driver and for the brakes. That might work......

There is, by the way, no such thing as an English "race car." There is, however, such a thing as the English "we work on it lots" car.

I'll post Keith's pics tomorrow. It is, as they used to say back in the day, trick.

"Steve, Steve, Steve, as I have told you a 100 hundred times, it is BUDWEISER on the brakes."

100 Times Huh? I've told you at least 1000 times that the Datsun likes the Rocky Mountain Gold! I know for a fact that Mr. Yutaka Katayama prefered Coors even over Sapporo, Kirin, and Asahi Super Dry. If you wish to continue pouring recycled Clydesdale urine on your brake parts that's your business. If I had an English "race car" I'd pour a pint of Guiness into the brake reservior (and maybe a pint for the driver) and hope for the best.

p.s. Mike... I make sure that the Oompa Loompa's keep the wheel wells clean. The cattle prod works wonders!