Over the winter I had a hard time finding out information specific to my car in regards to doing a long enduro so I will share this info in case anyone else is crazy enough or has a bug to do a real enduro.

Car: 1985 318i
Total laps: 777
Track length: 2 miles

We were able to run the 24 hr w/o any major mechanical issues.
-Fri. night at practice we found that at 1/2 tank the car would sputter coming out of the carousel so fuel stops were every hour and change which really hurt us. I was able to run the tank almost completely out last year and we couldn't find a kink in the line or anything so next year we will put a cell in it.

-We ran Hoosier r3s05 and they lasted a long time. We had real camber/ communication issues on the front and wore out the inside on a tire or two because of it. We changed the pass rear tire about 7:30 pm and finshed the race w/ it on. The total tire use was 4 new/4 heat cycled hoosiers (4 are junk), and 4- 70% used Avons (good enough for a long Fun Day or a one hour enduro).

- We lost almost and hour and a half because we lost a front bumper and the top nut off the strut. We probably could have replaced the nut in about 5 minutes and left the bumper off. We were told "you'll have to go through tech" and took it as replace the bumper and then go through tech.

-Hawk HT-10 brake pads and new oem rotors from BimmerWorld were run on the front with worn GhettoZone shoes and drums on the rear. The pads and rotors appear great, but I think the drums and shoes are worn out now.
There are only 3 times per unobstructed lap that the brakes were hit (my driving); turns 4, 11, & 13

-fuel use was about 6 gallons/hr

- The oem clutch started slipping at mid RPMs w/ 3 hours left
I don't know if there was oil on it or just heat issues

- "spent" expenses were about $4500 (entry, fuel, tires, brakes, crew memberships,....)

- the drivers door, front fender, a dent behind the door, front bumber and rear bumper are items that need fixed.

We suffered from organization issues that were mainly my fault. Next year a cut-off date will be set for upgrades to the car so time can be allotted for organization.
We could have rebuilt the car if anything mechanical/body happened, but little things like tools to adjust camber should have been set out better.
All of the drivers said that they would do it again so it must not have gone too bad.
I haven't even jacked up that car to inspect anything so there may be some other issues.

Jeremy Cesene
#13 ITB
Hillbilly Motorsports
FINISHER of the Longest Day 2007