I ran a regular SE-R in SSC for two and a half years. My views are :

Buddy Baker, "She handles real good down the straightaway."

Sterling Marlin, "She won't turn in a forty acre field."

The weakest point to racing a Sentra is the COMPLETELY non adjustable rear axle. The stub axles are welded to the tube from the factory and you cannot adjust for toe and camber AT ALL. On top of that, she's a fat bloated pig. SCCA says you can now run Spec-V in SSC but at 3000 lbs. My SE-R ran at about 2880. I could run with the Hondas and MINIS on any straight in SEDiv, but she just wouldn't turn.

You must also lose the Cat. The overlap on the camshafts allow burned cat stuff back into the engine, which is like pouring Comet into the cylinders.

Maybe with aftermarket stuff, it could be made to work, but in relativly stock trim, she's a real good street car, but a lousy race car. Even P.D. Cunningham gave up on his. And he had some real cool factory go fast stuff.
