In the last few races that I had my clutch kept getting soaked in oil from what I thought was a really bad rear main seal. I changed it several times (along with the clutch) to try and fix it. I have finally figured out it was actually the transmission that was leaking, not the engine. I can't find a place to get just a clutch plate but rather the entire package (throw out bearing, Pressure plate & clutch). It seams like such a waste to get the entire kit when everything is perfect except the fact that the clutch is soaked in oil.

Can the clutch be cleaned and re-used? or do I need to buy a new one?

If I need to get a new one does anyone know where I would be able to find either a stock clutch plate only or a racing clutch for a 1984 Audi Coupe???

Thanks for any help or guidence;
