As promised a endurance series for the masses. Below you'll find information about the first contingency worth over $125,000. I am currently working on other contigencies and hope to annouce them soon! As of the moment we also have $2000 in a non contigency prize fund which will be for the top 3 overall teams. I expect this amount to grow and hope to pay out much deeper.


Kumho Endurance Championship Series

See updated rules in a later post.


I will have more information soon. I will be at all events to help you sign -up. Please note there is NO COST to enter into the series!!!! You do not have to be on Kumho tires to be a part of the series. There will be other contigencies and cash prizes coming soon( fingers crossed). Tophies will also be awarded!

Any questions please let me know.


[email protected]
614-307-0307 cell