Thats pretty funny Earl.

We get some "interesting letters", and one guy in particular writes long and scathing ones demanding huge changes..(like we all get fired, LOL)

Anyway, it turned out that he was at Lime Rock for a Pro race, so I ambled over to his trailer to say hi. The look on his face when I introduced myself as "Hey, I'm Jake Gulick, ITAC know, the guys who get your letters.." was priceless. I thought he was going to drop right there. But he recovered, and apologized, and then went on to reiterate his point. I smiled the whole time.

Seriously though, I've been approached by quite a few, esp when I'm in Atlanta, and everyone has been cool, and we've had productive conversations. I would encourage anyone who can to say hi, as long as it's not on grid with one minute to go!