You guys need to venture a little further away from your home track. Unless you're afraid you'd get a severe whuppin' from a certain Kansas Neon... :P
Wow I guess Chris and I will have to each bring a mirror for both sides of you car for when we fly on by You'll just see two white flashes go on by so don't blink.

Aren't all track's in the midwest flat ??? Really loved that Topeka so much I won't go again...........................

Come on out to the Northeast and we'll show ya what concrete walls look like at Poc oh No and blue guard rails at the Glen. Lets not forget the check your shorts and don't lift downhill at Lime Rock. Been everhwere from PIR Phoenix & ThunderHill in California to Mosport, Mt Tremblant ( the old scary version ) and all the way down to Homestead Miami and Daytona. Guess its time to venture to the heartland.