I thought I'd dust off this thread to say thank you for all the support, suggestions and fun. I can't believe Andy started this up in December of '06 ....and here we are. I want to give special thanks Dave Burchfield for the Idea for the I.T. festival, Andy for starting this thread up, and Butch Kummer for all the help. Its' been great fun working with all of you to make this event happen.

Be safe driving to the track.

Best Regards,

Todd Cholmondeley
Cincinnati Race Chair SCCA [/b]
This race is going to be awesome. I hope that it continues as an ANNUAL event and I hope other regions schedule around it.

Like I said in another thread, my schedule precludes me from attending this year but as a die-hard Red Sox fan, we all know there is always next year!

It has been fun working with you guys to get this up and running!