
Went back to catch up on the latest turns in this particular soap opera and realized I had missed your comment about my comment about Rick Balderson (or John Zuccarelli) not returning calls. My experience with both is that they are upfront guys and just happy as hell to be here, plus I also have never had any problem talking to either of them and getting what I believe are honest answers.

My comments were directed toward one particular individual that chooses not to believe anything you tell him and will continue to argue endlessly regardless of the facts in the matter. If his number were to show up on my caller ID I know I would let it roll over to voicemail and make sure I had an hour to waste before bothering to return the call. With a region of over 3000 members, I'd reckon Rick (who is that person's RE, I believe) would have even less time to deal with people that refuse to listen to reason.

Sorry if I cast either Rick or John in a bad light, and I'd certainly be interested in anything you find out about the 2007 SARRC scheduling process from either of them.

Butch Kummer