Here is Ann's letter:

First let me introduce myself -it's only fair since we are asking so many questions of you on the "LONGEST
DAY of Nelson '08" entry forms. I was an innocent(?) bystander and Nelson Ledges volunteer Press Officer
when John McGill, Fred Koslasky, Ron Urchek and Grover Griggs were riding around the Nelson paddock
before the start of the 24 hour motorcycle race back in 1979 (do you think alcohol was involved??hmmm)
Anyway, their collective "hair-brained scheme" grew into the real thing in 1980 -the very first running of an
SCCA sanctioned 24 road race for showroom stock cars. Because of a communication mix-up between John
and Fred 50+ entrants turned into 19 actual entries that first year(a couple of locals were practically "strongarmed"
into going home and getting their showroom stock cars and running a race they had absolutely no
intention of entering! but that is another looong story!) Needless to say confusion reigned that weekend, but a
fun time was had by most everyone. If you go around the paddock at most any SCCA race and ask you will
probably find more drivers who "were there in '80" than people who professed to have been at the Original
Having barely survived that first year myself, I had to open my big mouth and offer to co-chair/chair the
event in 1981 and so it went for the next 15 years - chairing of the "LD", NOT the confusion. Last year I was
unable to help, but this year Scott Lane found my phone number under the heading "for a good time call Ann
McHugh and enter the Longest Day" - or at least that is what the guys have told me was written on all those
outhouse walls long ago and for some unknown reason, asked me to return as Race Chairman.
Due to the "marvelous economy" we are now "enjoying"(?) there are fewer entries for the upcoming
Longest Day of Nelson '08 than we would like. However, Scott and Kerrie Lane who have practically pulled
Nelson out of its "death throes" these past few years are determined that the race will go on as planned. Now
we need all of those who have sent in their Intents to Enter forms to get their entry forms and remaining fees
in to me so we can get started on a real program for this unique and historic race. It is strongly rumored (no I
can't say for sure) that this will be the last LD that runs on the Nelson course as it now stands. Will it be the
real, very last Longest Day -only time will tell. However, I mentioned the possibility back in 1996 that with
fewer entries the race might have to go into hiatus -many of you didn't listen back as they say "a
word to the wise"...
I have tried to include an updated entry list along with this note -there may be some errors with car numbers
-somehow we managed to ask for so much information from entrants, but forgot to ask what car # you
wanted. Maybe that was on the line with giving us your mother's maiden name that we nixed, but I'm not
sure. So if you don't have the number you want and it is NOT taken by a previous entrant, then you'll get it -
don't go running around in a hissy fit -I'll fix it. In fact as a bossy Race Chairman I can fix alot of things to
make the "Longest Day" the fun event it was for the first 17 years. You guys just have to call or email me at
and we'll see what we can do.
I used to use the Updates to spread rumors, gossip and some facts before the race -that way people got to
know one another before the race and it was more fun to “know your enemy”. In order to do that you'll have
to send me some “stuff” or call me. This year I hope to have our own program with pictures of prior years
-way back when we were all very young -for those smarties who weren't born in 1980 – just “Put a Sock In
It” if you know what is good for you!!
Car and Driver magazine is coming to record the efforts of their very
own team headed up by multi-LD race driver/entrant Tony Swan. He is bringing along some unsuspecting
writers and a pair who have been to the “LD” before -Csaba Csere and Larry Webster and ought to know
better! Csaba hasn't been back to Nelson since we got flush toilets and hot showers – heck he won't recognize
the place. Tony has promised to write an article for the program – not sure what he'll be writing about, but it
should be interesting... Of course I have records of ALL the drivers who ran the first 17 yrs, what they drove
and how many laps the car they were in finished so we'll be able to make sure Tony stays honest about his
We have a couple of father-son teams coming this year -which really makes me feel old -no do not comment
on that as I was very young when I joined SCCA and got mixed up with Nelson Ledges or you'll be pitted at
the old course!! Check out the entry list and call with “stuff” for the program -pictures too.

UPDATE #1 “LONGEST DAY OF NELSON '08” JUNE 28, 2008 Page 2
Back again this year as a major sponsor is
KUMHO TIRES. In addition Joe Specht from The
is planning on some type of contingecy award and support for the race and will be on hand with

and Hankook track support.
We are also planning on the steak dinner Friday night to welcome workers, driver, crews and even the
officials. Teams will get “free tickets” for their drivers. We're also planning on an “after night practice party”
for those too “cranked up” to get to sleep and/or the teams that will be pulling all-nighters to get the cars
fixed. We thought to call it the “WHINE & Cheese Party” to get the jump on what will most likely be a large
part of the get-together. When we started the race at 3 pm (Like LeMans), we had time for a lunch on
Saturday, but with the race starting earlier we have to adjust the party times -darn!
For those of you that were part of the return of the “LD” to Nelson last yar, I have been informed by the
producer,Kevin Stolicny (also the track announcer at Nelson) that the video of last year is now available for
sale. I haven't seen it but if you are interested his email is [email protected] and his phone # is
That is about it for this Update – waiting to hear from any and all participants. I am usually at work/in
transit from 7:00 to 5:00, but the 6 dogs just love to hear people call on the phone -just no profanity as one is
just a young puppy who is driving Ed and the rest of us a little crazier than usual. If there is anyone you want
the Update/Entry list sent directly to, just let me know and I'll get it off to them ASAP. OR have them check
the Nelson website. One more thing -we have dog obedience classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings so
I won't be available till after 8:30 those days but you can call
UP TO 10:00 pm. I check for emails everyday.
For now

440-338-3159 home #
440-463-7209 cell # that gets lousy reception at home! Thanks AT&T