A question for anyone out there unfortunate enough to be running an E36 BMW 325 in ITS: Has anyone had this problem - now that we are forced to use the Funky Horn air restrictor, our old software can not adjust for the reduced airflow ad causes a fuel-air mixture problem, the plugs run hot and actualy can melt. This happened to me at the last race, causing a DNF. This is a potrentially very BIG problem as I am not sure how many of us realize that we need to recalibrate our software. Im glad the plug let go first, beasts spending another 8K on a motor.

SO now that we have been reverse engineered and forced into mid-pack range by virtue of the car's success, now we need to spend additional $$ at the dyno, or payup for Motec so we can attempt to be competitive. Or we can run next year in IT-R!!! WHat fun!!! Ill love dixing it up with ex-DTM cars! Yeah that'll really attract a lot of more racers. Juast what SCCA needs, another useless class with 3 drivers in it! Hey at least we can all walk home with a trophy guys!!!! Yahoo!!! Ok sorry for the rant, but seems like the fun is over unless we can afford Motec or paying up for an E-46 chassis, before the ITRC geek squad comes after those cars, which I am sure will be anytime now.

SO, to the point - we lost our chip guy - the guy that apparently did ALL the chips for the who's who of E-36 ITS cars back in the day when they were legal and fun - Bimmerworld/Stickley etc. Anyway, anyone out there have any ideas, suggestions, thoughts...Aside from throwing in the towel and racing her in BMW club racing?
